The objectives of the workshop were to extensively share the field knowledge and experience of best practitioners, experts and policy makers for the future roadmap for dissemination of family and community/village level Biogas plants. The workshop was an optimized combination of presentations by various stakeholders followed by open discussions. Presentations covered aspects such as different forms of fabricated small scale digesters, social modelling of Biogas program, root level challenges in implementing set targets by MNRE and so on. Various equipment manufacturer presented their thoughts on ways and means to scale up the practice in Biogas technology dissemination and for harmonization of overall ecosystem to achieve sustainability in the sector.
It as well provided insight for the entrepreneurial model of implementation and development of new programme with a market based approach. Ministry agreed that a more cohesive set up for synergic working of different ministries is quintessential to address the concerns like increasing market reach for value added manures, implementation of set up targets from centre at root level and so on. It assured the participants that it is already in the process of interacting with other Ministries at all levels and will continue to standardize the process.
Attendants of the workshop also flagged regarding information asymmetry that prevails as the central initiatives trickles down to the ground level. MNRE realised the importance to ensure bottom up aggregation of information in conjunction to allocation of top down targets to districts and blocks to mitigate the asymmetry. The experiences and knowledge shared at the workshop provided crucial inputs for redesigning the existing National Biogas and Manure Management to be shall be relaunched in 2017 with a new perspective.